Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (2024)

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Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (4)

Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (5)

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Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (6)Sourcing-Partner für deine Modemarke
Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (7)Neuer Schwung für dein Firmenimage - mit personalisierter Kleidung
Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (8)Schaffe unvergessliche Erlebnisse - mit exklusiven, individuellen Merchandise-Artikeln
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Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (10)

Aktuelle Ausgabe

  1. 05/24 Entdecken Sie den Crafter, das perfekte T-Shirt für jeden Sommermoment
  2. 04/24 Ikone Stile für jeden Iconics
  3. 03/24 Core-kollektion
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slide(); }; elements.forEach(element => { if (element.dataset.contentType === 'products') { initProductCarousel(element); } if (element.dataset.contentType === 'slider') { initSliderCarousel(element); } }); }; /** * This function adds a class "carousel-nav-wrapper" to a new div element, * and appends the div to the tab navigation container. * It also sets an ID for each carousel nav element and adds them to the new div element. * If the first tab in the set is a carousel, it sets it as active on page load. * * @returns {void} */ const tabCarousel = () => { // Select all tab content elements on the page const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs-content'); // Return if no tabs found if (!tabs.length > 0) { return; } // Set negative margin to container due to slide x margins to center the glider container const carousels = document.querySelectorAll('[data-content-type="products"][data-appearance="carousel"]'); carousels.forEach(carousel => { const carouselParentTabItem = carousel.parentElement; = '0 -8px'; gliderInstances.forEach((glider) => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { glider.refresh(true); }); }); }) // For each tab, create a carousel navigation wrapper and add it to the tab navigation tabs.forEach(tab => { const carouselNavsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); const carouselNavs = tab.querySelectorAll('.carousel-nav'); const tabNav = tab.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('.tabs-navigation-wrapper'); // Add a class to the carousel navigation wrapper carouselNavsWrapper.classList.add('carousel-nav-wrapper'); // Add the carousel navigation wrapper to the tab navigation tabNav.appendChild(carouselNavsWrapper); // For each carousel navigation, set its ID, add it to the wrapper, and set it active if its tab is active carouselNavs.forEach(carouselNav => { const carouselTabId = carouselNav.parentElement.closest('[data-appearance="carousel"]'); = `carousel-nav-${carouselTabId}`; carouselNavsWrapper.appendChild(carouselNav); const tabHeader = document.querySelector(`[data-tab="${carouselTabId}"]`); // If first tab is carousel, set it active on page load if (tabHeader.classList.contains('active') && === `carousel-nav-${carouselTabId}`) { carouselNav.classList.add('active'); } }); }); }; window.addEventListener('lbb-private-content-loaded', (event) => { let carouselElements = []; let newGliders = []; const lbbCarouselData = event.detail; gliderInstances.forEach((glider) => { if ( === lbbCarouselData.elementId) { let el = document.querySelector('#' + lbbCarouselData.elementId) .closest('div[data-content-type="products"]'); if (el) { el.innerHTML = lbbCarouselData.html; carouselElements.push(el); } } else { newGliders.push(glider); } }); gliderInstances = newGliders; initCarousels(carouselElements); tabCarousel(); }); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const carouselElements = document.querySelectorAll( `[data-content-type="products"][data-appearance="carousel"], [data-content-type="slider"]` ); if (carouselElements.length > 0) { const script = document.createElement('script'); 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const tabContainer ='.tabs-navigation-wrapper'); const carouselNavs = tabContainer.querySelectorAll('.carousel-nav'); // Find the corresponding carousel instance based on the carousel ID const targetCarousel = gliderInstances.filter((obj) => { return obj._opt.carouselId === tabId; }); // If the carousel instance is found, refresh the instance and set it to the first slide if (targetCarousel.length > 0) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { targetCarousel[0].refresh(true); targetCarousel[0].scrollItem(0); }); } // Remove the "active" class from any active carousel nav elements and add the "active" class to the associated nav element const activeCarouselNav = document.getElementById(`carousel-nav-${tabId}`); carouselNavs.forEach(carouselNav => { if (carouselNav.classList.contains('active')) { carouselNav.classList.remove('active'); } }); if (activeCarouselNav) { activeCarouselNav.classList.add('active'); } } }); } }); })();
Stanley/Stella - Sustainable Clothing (2024)


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Article information

Author: Terrell Hackett

Last Updated:

Views: 5653

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.